Thursday, May 31, 2012

Organization in Fashion? ABSOLUTELY!!!

One of my dreams from the time I was 13 was to have the amazing virtual rotating closet on the 1995 classic ‘Clueless’.  I mean seriously, Cher could walk over to her touch screen and see which outfit looked good with what and then the closet (nicely organized I might add) would scroll and find it for her. 

I wish!  First of all, I have to work with the small closet I have.  I utilize many plastic bins to put away my seasonal clothes.  So what I do is one of the things I do best-besides shopping-and that’s organizing! 
If you ask any of my staff at my work, they would tell you that I drive them slightly crazy with my organization, but it helps me find things when I need them. 
 I categorize how clothes are in my closet.  I group dresses together, skirts, pants, jeans, tees, tanks, cardi’s and the list goes on.  When my A game is on and when I have more time (not lately) I also color code my clothes (yes maybe a little extreme).  One other thing I do is group all my new clothes with tags still on them, no matter what it is.  That way I know what hasn’t been worn yet because I have lost clothes in the mix with tags on that I later pull out and say-oh ya, I forgot about this!
My closet:) Its not Cher's but I work with what I got!

With all the rage that Pinterest brings now it is easier then ever to put all my “fashion likes” in one spot.  But I am still a big magazine reader and pull many of outfit ideas and lots of other things like makeup tips, money saving lessons and recipes.  Those things that I really like, instead of keeping the entire magazine and creating a lack of space, I tear out the pages I like, put them in a page protector and start a binder.  I have a couple of binders full of outfit ideas, household ideas, beauty tips and recipes.  I love them and they are a way for me to keep my fav’s out of the magazines without keeping the whole magazine! 

Take the time to organize your wardrobe.  We all live busy lives, especially being a mom, and there isn’t much time to sort through all your clothes.  I do the same for my girl’s closets and it makes it very easy for me to pick out their outfits everyday.  Now if I could just figure out how to convince my husband to get me a closet like Cher’s !

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